Will Rice

Progressive Communication
Parody: Pathway to Change
The role of corporations in public life is a serious topic, but sometimes a comic touch makes the point best. (The late, great media critic Roger Ebert may have agreed: he Tweeted about one of my videos!)
The Power of Words
Whether raising money online, waging an issues campaign in the letters columns of the local paper, or putting on a holiday show to educate and entertain your supporters, I can help you use language to lift spirits, change minds and focus energy on the task at hand.
From email blasts, to op-eds, to talking points, to parody songs, I effectively synthesize information and ideas, presenting them in a persuasive and engaging manner—as serious or light-hearted as the occasion demands.
Review the samples and services offered here. Then let me know how I can use the power of words to help you achieve your goals.